22 de marzo de 2014



AIMS: 1.Learn culture about the countries whose languages you study: England & France
            2.Improve your English & French in their different skills: Reading; Writing; Speaking and Listening.
            3. Practise all the concepts about: Grammar; Vocabulary and Linking words, learnt along all the term.
           4.Work in cooperative groups.
           5. Enjoy English & French languages in a different way.
           6. Use of  the TICs

GROUPS: 3 or 4 people

TOPICS: In the "Wiki" of this blog you can find the topics for each term.

TASKS: Each member of the group has a different task:
                  1. Searching information
                  2. Curiosities Word (from 5 to 10)
                  3. Images (one for each curiosity)
                  4.Translation Word.
All together prepare power point or prezi and valuation

RESOURCES: 1. Internet ( Google, Wikipedia...
                           2. Prezi about the topics
                           3.Wiki (from this blog)

STEPS: 1. Wiki (check out for topics)
              2. Curiosities Word
              3. Teacher checking
              4. Power point or Prezi
              5. Group valuation( Positive & Improvable aspects)
              6. Exposition
              7. Group evaluation (Rúbrica)
              8. Teacher evaluation ( "El reloj")

TIME: Term