- School Year 2010-2011: About last year. Have a look!. It's very interesting...
- School Year 2011-2012: This is an introduction about everything for this school year in foreign languages: English & French. This is very important. It gives you a very complete explanation about the way of working anything. Don't miss it.
Important: If there is any change about any information along the school year, teacher tells you in the classroom. Pay attention, please!
- Classroom: Things about our classroom.
- Evaluation: This is about tests.
- Italien et Allemand: This is for students who are studying French in 3º and 4º ESO.
- Speaking: Here you find question and topics to practice your speaking in English and French.
- Useful Webs: You have here some interesting webs about: Translator; English...
- Writing: Here you find topics for your writings.
- Consejeria de Educación: Here you have all the information from "La junta de Castilla La Mancha" about anything. For example: Scholarships ; Summer camps ; Tests...
- Holidays: This section is about our holiday time.
- Projects: This section is about our songs and culture projects.
- Celebrations: When there is something special we celebrate it.
- Activities: About any activity inside ( Secret friend; Christmas tree...) or outside the classroom (EnglishTheatre)
- Wally: It shows our posters and photos from our corridor wall.
Here, you have some steps to join to it. Try it!:
-You need a gmail account
-Go to "acceder" section in the home page from our blog
-Choose "google"; "yahoo" or "twiter"
-Write "cuenta de correo electrónico" and "contraseña"
-Choose a photo
-Tick "seguir este blog"