Diagnostic Test
We start each school year with a "Diagnostic Test" to know your level. This test has two parts:
1. Writing: -You have to write about topics from last year.
- Here I check your reading and writing (vocabulary and grammar)
2. Speaking: - 1º ESO: You answer some questions about subjects from last year
- 2º; 3º; 4º ESO: You answer some questions about one topic (at random).
You speak about one topic (at random). (Only in English)
- Here I check your listening and speaking
Each unit
Two dates: 1st Vocabulary & Grammar(new concepts):
In English, activities about Vocabulary and Grammar ( both of them similar to the activities from workbook, but not the same...)
En Français, Vocabulaire ( Français et Espagnol)
Grammaire ( Théorie pour 1º et 2º ESO)
( Activités pour 3º et 4º ESO)
2nd Skills : Practice old and new concepts (from the first unit in ESO):
- Reading:
In English:Text with activities ( true or false; questions; definitions; synonyms; multiple choice...)
En Français: Tu fais la traduction en Espagnol
- Listening:
In English:Listening with activities ( questions; true or false; filling the gaps; multiple choice...)
En Français: Activités pour rélactioner ce que tu as écouté.
- Writing:
In English:You have to write an email to a friend about some topics I give you. Very important: You can find any topic from the first unit from 1º ESO. I mean any topic you have worked with me before.
How many words?: 1st Term: 60 (1º ESO ); 80 (2º ESO); 110 (3º ESO); 130 (4º ESO )
2nd Term: 70 (1º ESO); 90 (2º ESO), 120 (3º ESO); 140 (4º ESO)
3rd Term: 80 (1º ESO); 100 (2º ESO); 130 (3º ESO); 150 (4º ESO)
En Français: Tu écris à propos les thèmes on a travaillé pendant l'évaluation.
- Speaking:
In English:Two parts: Questions & answers about the topic from the unit. In couples you have to ask questions to your partner and you have to answer the questions your partner ask you.
Topic: You speak about any topic you have worked before " at random". Along all the ESO you work 37 topics.
En Français: Il y a deux possibilités: Bien tu as une conversation avec un copain avec des questions et réponses du thème de l'unité, ou bien, tu parles du thème de l'unité.
You have to do it if you haven't passed the third term. You only have to pass your failed sections. Remember you have six sections: Vocabulary; Grammar; Reading; Listening; Writing; Speaking.
English: Activities for each section.
Français: Expréssion Écrite: Ici tu écris à propos des thèmes de l'année scolaire ( compréhension écrite, expréssion écrite,vocabulaire et grammaire)
Expréssion Orale: Tu réponds aux questions travaillé dans l'année scolaire ( compréhension orale et expréssion orale)
You only have to pass your failed sections.
English: Activities for each section.
Français: Expréssion Écrite: Ici tu écris à propos des thèmes de l'année scolaire ( compréhension écrite, expréssion écrite,vocabulaire et grammaire)
Expréssion Orale: Tu réponds aux questions travaillé dans l'année scolaire ( compréhension orale et expréssion orale)
Each failed student will have his own document with ticks in the failed sections. So he knows what he has to work along the summer to pass his test in September.
Here you have the original document:
English: 1º ESO
2º ESO
3º ESO
4º ESO